Thursday, May 27, 2010

Final Reflection

The part of this project that was the most involved was the learning process of revit itself. It took awhile to figure out what things did what exactly and where all the features were that were relevant to what we were doing. My structure ended up not looking like my initial drawings at all. It changed because i wasn't aware of how many features revit had and what revitcity had as well. If given another chance to work on this project, I would have spent more time on detailing my structure. I have learned many things, but one thing I learned while working on this project is that a deadline is very hard to meet working on a big commercial structure like this.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Water Supply and Cost Estimate

-Water supply 13,000 GDP

-Cost estimate is around $700,000-1.3 million

Project Sketches