Monday, March 1, 2010

Essential Questions 6.2

1. How are trusses able to span large distances?
-Trusses are able to span large distances because they are used in triangles and each member can be assigned to work in a network of tension and compression members, and by doing this, greater structural efficiency is possible.

2. What do I have to understand in order to use mathematics to predict truss strength?
-In order to use mathematics to predict truss strength, you have to understand trigonometry and how the forces act on the joints.

3. How are different roof styles and pitches related to different architectural styles?
-Different roof styles are a significant difference in the architectural styles such as the cubic style of architecture; cubic architecture has a low pitched roof that is recognizable from others.

4. What is the effect of different materials on the strength of a rafter or a truss?
-Different materials have different properties such as the allowance to bend and the mass, some materials may be stronger than others, but can be much heavier.

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