Monday, April 12, 2010

Vocab 4.4

Arterial- A major through route; arterial often provide direct service between cities and large towns.

Egress- A way out or exit, an exit ramp on an interstate

Benchmark- A surveyor's mark on a permanent object of predetermined position and elevation used as a reference point

Feeder- A smaller road that flows into a larger road

Tangent Line- The tangent line (or tangent)is a curve at a given point is the straight line that touches the curve at that point

Curve Length (L) - The length of a curve between objects or around an obstacle

Delta Angle- The change in angle of a curve

Point of Intersection (P.I.)- Intersection of roads

Sight Distance- Length of the roadway ahead visible to the driver

Vertical Curve- A transition between two elevations

Driveway- A driveway is a type of private road for local access to one or a small group of structures

Ingress- Entering, an on ramp on an interstate

Point of Tangency- Point at which a tangent line intersects a curve

Transit Line- A line providing public transit

Cut and Fill- The process of earth grading by excavating part of a higher area and using the material to fill in an adjacent lower area

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